Dr. Akin Abayomi
Head of Department of Haematopathology Tygerberg Academic Hospital and A/Professor of Haematology University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town
Prof Emmanuel Akin Abayomi Position: Head of Department of Haematopathology Tygerberg Academic Hospital and Associate Professor of Haematology University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town. Qualifications: MBBS (London), MRCP (UK), FCPath Haem (SA), MPhil (UP), FRCP(Edin) PhD Project: Stem cells in HIV disease. My current position is as Chief Pathologist and Head of the Division of Haematology and Associate Professor Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa (www.sun.ac.za/haema). I am a specialist in internal Medicine and Haematology, I studied at the Royal Medical College of St Bartholomew’s Hospital in the University of London where I attained my first graduate degree in Medicine. Specialized in Internal Medicine and Haematology, obtaining fellowships from both Royal College of Medicine in the United Kingdom and the College of Medicine of South Africa. I have worked in several countries around the world in both Internal Medicine and Haematology and have been exposed to a variety of geographical variations and disease patterns within the discipline of Internal Medicine and Haematology. My focus has mainly been on the complications of HIV and the development of laboratory and clinical capacity to rise to the challenge of the HIV epidemic in the Developing world and Africa.