Integrated Biorepository of H3Africa Uganda – IBRH3AU
Project Leads
Lay Description:
The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a state-of-the-art world class biorepository of well annotated stored biospecimens widely available to the H3Africa Consortium, African and International researchers for genomic discovery projects. The information obtained from the genomic analysis of the samples will allow researchers to develop or test new diagnostic tests, personalize treatment options, and develop new treatment methods. Over the course of this project, the Integrated Biorepository of H3Africa Uganda has developed capacity to perform biorepository services; collect/receive, process, store and ship Biospecimen as per international standards and has developed training resources in biorepository science and management. The IBRH3AU Biorepository has a well annotated collection of various Biospecimen (DNA, RNA, PBMCs, Serum, Plasma, etc.) and associated phenotypic data held at H3ABionet accessible through the H3Africa data and Biospecimen access committee (DBAC).
Updated Aims:
The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a state-of-the-art world class biorepository of well annotated stored biospecimens widely available to H3Africa Consortium, African and International researchers for genomic discovery projects. The information obtained from the genomic analysis of the samples will allow researchers to develop or test new diagnostic tests, personalize treatment options, and develop new treatment methods.
Aim 1: Maintain the existing infrastructure of the IBRH3AU to functions as a local, regional and international biorepository. Improving the existing infrastructure to establish the IBRH3AU that will function as a local, regional and international biorepository. The IBRH3AU will be a highly annotated and curated world-class biorepository serving the local, regional and international scientific community to be able to conduct a wide array of scientific investigation.
Aim 2: Build enhanced capacity in biorepository science and management through training. Enhancing capacity will mainly be done through establishment of training courses in biorepository science and management.
Aim 3: Perform centralized and standardized biorepository operations for the H3Africa Consortium. The processing methodologies adopted will ensure fit-for-purpose operations such as high throughput high-quality automation procedures, and robust data trail. The methods will avoid approaches that inherently preclude some future analyses. Maintain a detailed, quality assured sufficient and secure data audit trail through the use of STARLIMS.