Genome Analysis


Neil Hanchard


Ananyo Choudhury

Subgroup Overview

  1. Group members = ??
  2. Groups represented = ??
  3. Listserve for email communication
  4. Timing – Twice monthly/weekly once data is available and writing/analysis commences
  5. Agenda items will be requested 10 days prior
  6. Agenda will be sent 4 days prior
  7. Email as primary means of communication of documents
  8. Skydrive vs Google Docs for document storage/distribution

Role of the Subgroup

  • Managerial oversight of publications from Genome Analysis WG
    • Custom Chip
    • African Diversity/variation
  • Drive new directions/ analyses for cross-group (2 or more) H3A manuscripts
    • Development and solicitation of new Manuscript Concept Documents (MCDs)
  • Specifically:
    • Collation and collection of MCDs relevant to genome analyses
    • Develop and disseminate writing tasks and coordinate regular reporting
    • Facilitate discussion of journal choice and mediate with editors.

Mediate authorship in light of publications policies

Writing framework/template

  1. Identify combination of junior and senior authors for introduction
  2. Divide analysis into sub-headings
    1. Assign combination of junior/senior authors to each sub-heading
    2. Each sub-heading group should provide details of methodology & discussion of results
  3. Bi-weekly updates/reports from each ‘section’ deposited to central writing depot
    1. Minimal subheading report should consistent of a skeleton outline of each subheading giving further sub-headings/groups, each expanded as writing progresses
  4. A core team of writing collaborators will pull together final manuscript by circulating and editing until all main authors are satisfied
  5. Draft is then circulated to relevant senior faculty for additional input
  6. New ‘final’ draft is then circulated to entire writing subgroup and then to collaborators for author approval and additional comments