WASLITBRe is proud to announce her first Postgraduate Bioinformatics Workshop. This 6-week long workshop with an examination at the end side of each course is aimed at exposing our grants funded MSc and PhD students to the state-of-the-art training in bioinformatics and data science. The participants total is pegged to 20 to ensure we have the best classroom atmosphere for our trainees to learn. This workshop is the first of the 2 workshops planned for this year. See the table here for the courses to be covered in the 2 workshops, the first holding at Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria and the second to hold at KNUST, Ghana.

  • Venue of the workshop: Covenant University Bioinformatics Research (CUBRe) seminar room, Covenant University Center for Research, Innovation and Discovery (CUCRID), Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria.
  • Dates for the workshop: May 9 – June 19, 2018
  • Registration: Note that this workshop is originally organised for our funded trainees registered at CU, Nigeria; KNUST, Ghana and USTTB, Mali, but we currently have 3 slots open to qualifying applicants to participate. All 3 successful applicants will be given full scholarship covering traveling, accommodation, feeding and stipends to participate effectively. All interested applicants must complete the application form at the following URL: Application for the workshop.
  • Registration opens: 4th April 2018
  • Registration closes: 13th April 2018
  • Notification date: 16th April 2018
  • Syllabus and Tools: For syllabus, see the table above. Participants at the
    workshop is coming from the following backgrounds: mathematics,
    statistics, computer science, chemistry, biological sciences, and clinician.
    So participants are expected to work  through the following resources to enable them to gain the most from the

    • http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/
    • https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming/c_useful_resources.htm
    • http://www.r-tutor.com/r-introduction
    • https://www.python.org/
    • Trainers: See the table here
    • Facilitators: WASLITBRe

    Workshop program: Please visit here for full workshop program.

    Please note that in accordance with the protocol in the university (Covenant University), the Vice-Chancellor with his team is expected to declare the Workshop opened on the 1st day (Tuesday 8 May 2018). Hence, there might be a little adjustment to the timing of the 1st day