H3Africa Consortium Group Photograph
The Fourth meeting of the H3Africa Consortium
The Fourth H3Africa Consortium Meeting will be held on May 30-June 2, 2014 in Cape Town, South Africa. The aims of the H3Africa Consortium meeting are to provide an opportunity for H3A investigators to update on the achievements on their projects, and for the working groups to have a face to face meeting and finalize policies, materials and recommendations to standardize activities across the consortium. The meeting will also provide networking opportunities for awardees, the working groups, and funders, and to enable discussions on how to build research capacity across the Initiative and access new opportunities.
The preliminary outline of the meeting is as follows:
- 30th May H3Africa Cardiovascular Workshop (open meeting)
- 31st May H3Africa Consortium meeting (closed meeting)
- 1st June H3Africa Consortium meeting (closed meeting)
- 2nd June H3Africa workshops
- H3Africa Genome Analysis Workshop (open meeting)
- H3Africa Ethics meeting (closed meeting)
This outline is subject to change. Hotel details are now available here.